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About Me

[START] Like most ‘Baseball Dads’, my ‘love’ for the game started when I was a kid. When I was in 5th and 6th grade, I loved to go to California Angels baseball games in nearby Anaheim, then come home and play baseball at the school grounds with my friends.
There were usually just 4 of us so we played ‘hot box’. The ‘field’ was about 30 feet wide and shaped like a giant rectangle. The ‘infielder’ played about 60 feet or so from home plate in between two hats. The ‘outfielder’ was about 80 feet behind the infielder.
Since Brooks Robinson was my favorite player, I’d play the infield and imagine I was Brooks making all those diving plays like he did in the world series against the Reds.
[END – about 130 words]
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