Be Ready For 2024 - Most Sites STILL Under $500

Nationwide Call 804.405.0459
Cheap Web Design UNDER $500 for 2024!
As a discount web designer since 1994, we've learned over the years how to streamline our design method to get your website online LIVE faster, more accurately, and more affordably. Try thinking of it like buying a car... you see one you like on the road, or dealer, and say, "I want that... except in blue, with tinted windows." ... That gives us a reasonable expectation of what your site might resemble when completed. With our portfolio of 170 web designs, and more added every month, it's a good place to start for ideas. We don't re-invent the wheel and start from scratch each time.
Whether it's a 3 page basic starter, or a 5 page small business design with SEO, or a 10 pager with more info about your business, it's really important to keep the process simple.
These 7 steps are pretty much the web design process we follow.
Click steps below for more details
IMPORTANT: Much of getting your design completed on time depends on information that YOU will provide. I generally don't even begin your project until I have all information and content from you, so please send all info needed as quickly as possible. Once you order, you'll receive a receipt from Paypal.
- Register a domain with GoDaddy (Best deals on domains. DON'T buy 'any' extras)
- If you are using 'our' Hostgator Web Hosting, you will need to provide the login info where your domain is registered in order to set up your hosting account
- If you're using your own hosting account, we may need your login info to to verify compatibility and set up your site. (If there's a 'control panel' with your hosting, you should be fine.)[/ebs_toggle%sqeProvide the page names you'd like (ie, 'Home', 'About Us', 'Services', 'Gallery', 'Testimonials', 'Directions', 'Contact', etc) Please provide content for each page (including pics and graphics if you have any).
Once I have completed your design, I'll send you the site address location so you can spend a few days on the site and make any minor changes that need to be made. (I say, 'Minor changes' because we 'should' be pretty well 'in sync' with how the design will turn out based on our communication 'before' ordering. However, if there are major design changes needed due to, 'my boss doesn't like it', or, 'I want to try something different', there may be additional charges to complete your design.)
Once I've made any necessary updates, and you have approved the design, the site will be published LIVE to your domain.
$99 3 Page 'Basic Starter' Design
While this is the best deal you'll find anywhere for a professional 3 page web design - been at it 23 years now - it's NOT for everybody. There are content and feature limitations that may or may not fit for you. Click on the 'LIVE $99 Example Site' button below to see an actual example.
What You Get in This Cheap Web Design Package:
- 1 custom header at the top of your pages that ‘may’ include your business name, logo (if you have one), a slogan, phone number, and, possibly, a picture that is integrated into the header.
- Each page can contain up to 130 words of information and up to 1 picture or graphic in the ‘body’ of each page.
- One of your pages can include a basic Contact Form (name, email, phone, message) with form results sent to an email address of your choosing and up to 50 words of info on the contact page
- You can choose to have your site navigation menu across the top of the site (above or below the header) or included in a ‘sidebar’, or both
- A ‘sidebar’ column on the left or right side of the design that may include a navigation menu, business address/phone number, local weather widget, small banner or picture
- A footer at the bottom of the page can include the same menu links contained in your main navigation menu, business address and phone number.

Best Small Business Web Design Package

Here's What You Can Expect With Every Design
Call 804.405.0459
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