Click on questions below for answers.
What do you mean by ‘you provide content’?
Obviously, you know your business better than I do, so the information you provide will be the information that appears on the website. I can’t proceed without this information and should include logo, graphics, pictures and content for each page. I do my best to keep the prices down by understanding what you want for the site during the initial consultation. Obviously, if I give you a quote for a site we discussed and things change drastically, or you want to add more to the site, the cost will increase.
Don’t you supply the content with your design packages?
Generally? No. To stay within the package prices, all content for the site is provided by you. I take the content you provide and arrange it in a way that will flow with the site design. I CAN supply ALL of the content for your site, if you prefer to stay out of it completely. This involves many man hours of research to learn your industry and generally runs 3 to 5 times (or more) than the package prices. If you are interested in exploring this possibility, please call me at 804.405.0459.
What is ‘Basic SEO’?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a term basically describing getting web pages ready to submit for the search engines. Sites and webpages should be ‘optimized’ with some form of your main keyword (what your site is mostly about) in order to have the best possible chance of ranking your site higher in search engines. The better and more ‘targeted’ the optimization, the better the chance for success. In my design packages, I perform a ‘Starter SEO‘ on each page of the site to give the site a ‘start’. This involves optimizing page names and titles. Many achieve great rankings on certain keywords using ONLY a ‘Starter SEO‘. No guarantees, though.
Is there a more complete SEO service you offer and how much is it?
I believe that good, thorough, on-page SEO is the best way for your site to have a ‘chance’ to appear higher in search engine rankings. Building a good, solid, SEO smart website is key. In the ‘SEO Deluxe’ package, we continue where we left in the ‘SEO Starter’ pack and add SEO’d descriptions and keywords to each page, along with optimizing pictures, headings, links, along with connecting to Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks to your site. Nothing ‘automated’ is done here. Each page is optimized manually. Depending on your design package, this service is about $100 per page paid ONCE. Call for quote at 804.405.0459. Ultimately, there is the ‘SEO Premium‘ package that includes all of the ‘SEO Deluxe’ package then jumps to the promotion side and actively promotes your site each month on a 6 month contract (as opposed to required ‘yearly’ contracts of competitors), through press releases, articles written and submitted to directories, blog activity, facebook, twitter, and other social sites activity, and more. This ranges from $300 to $600 ‘monthly’. Call or text me at 804.405.0459 if you want to discuss.
What do you mean by ‘chance to appear higher in search engine rankings’? Don’t you guarantee rankings?
If your business is about, say, ‘hammer repair’, and you expect people to find you when they type in ‘hammer repair business’, Google comes back with “1,700,000 Results.” What makes your site better than those other 1,699,999 sites when it comes to rankings? Exactly! That’s why I say ‘chance’. People are looking for ‘instant results’ – which is a little unreal – and forgetting about good old fashioned ‘on site optimization’, which I think should be integrated from the early stages of the site design. Google themselves say to “…Run if an SEO company promises you Page 1 Rankings…”. Google says, “No one can promise you top page ranking. It can’t be done!” (Actually, there IS a way that involves ‘long tail keywords’ so obscure that only you would type it into a search engine that gives a ‘company’ those ‘guaranteed results’. OOPS! Just let their secret slip!) So, no, I don’t guarantee rankings.
Can I update my own site or will I have to pay you each time I need something?
The ultimate goal for me is to get you set up and turn you loose to actually run your own site, though I’m still around if you need me for anything you can’t handle on your own. Your site comes with basic instructions and login information to get you into the admin panel and make changes/updates to your site. While it’s not difficult to learn and perform most – if not ALL – updates yourself, some clients ask me to do the ‘harder’ updates for them, or hire me to add pages and other functions to their sites as their sites grow. Standard rate for this is $30 hr with 1/2 hour minimum. Jobs will only be performed upon approval of estimate with every effort to have updates completed within 3 days of payment.
What if I already have hosting at
I can work with GoDaddy hosting if you have all of the login information, or if you want to save money and switch to our HostGator servers I can move you over. If you’ve had a hosting plan at for less than 3 months, you can cancel your hosting account with them and get a refund of the unused hosting plan. This can save you a lot of money over 2 years.
How fast will my site be ready?
This depends on the complexity of the job and what the workload is like at the time. $99 sites can usually be completed in 1 to 3 days, with larger sites completed within a week or two. Complex custom jobs and larger Ecommerce sites take longer. Let me know how fast you need it BEFORE you purchase a package and I’ll let you know a projected completion time. Call me at 804.405.0459.
Do you have a Refund Policy?
There are NO Refunds given. In 19 years, the only refund request I’ve ever had was from someone I’ve never had any contact with. If you are NOT the person approving the site design that we will create, please do not order. My best effort is made to build you a website that will be beneficial for you, along with one you can be proud of. I’m able to keep my web design prices so cheap and affordable because YOU are involved in the process. By letting me know your vision of the site you want by providing some examples of sites you like, features you like, colors, etc, and providing your content for your site, we can’t go wrong!
How much time do I have to get all of the content and information to you to build my website?
The sooner the better after ordering would be great! This keeps everything fresh on the mind and well organized to get the site complete at the earliest possible time. Please Note: Unless other arrangements have been made, if all info and/or content is not received within 90 days of purchase date, the job will be considered ‘complete’. Let’s get it done!
Do you have more questions?
Call 804.405.0459
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