Your Goal for 2012? Do ‘SOMETHING’!
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'Do SOMETHING' in 2012!
As we get our New Year’s Resolutions together for 2012 with themes of ‘make more money’, ‘be debt free’, ‘update business web site’, ‘lose weight’, ‘be healthy’, etc., I’ve decided to make my own goals simple. (I have a tendency to over think everything and spend more time ‘thinking’ than ‘doing’, which distracts me to no end. )
So… this year… ‘Do SOMETHING’!
Want to ‘make more money’ in 2012? What steps do you need to take in order to make it happen? ‘Do SOMETHING’!
Need to ‘be debt free’ in 2012? ‘Do SOMETHING’ each day that chips away at that debt!
Want your business to have a bigger presence on the internet in 2012? Interact with your customer. Update your website. Post on your blog. Make a Facebook post. Tweet updates. ‘Do SOMETHING’! … each day or each week.
Is ‘losing weight’ one of your goals? Decide if it’s about ‘eating less’ or ‘eating healthier’ and ‘Do SOMETHING’!
I can tell you this. In 2012, you can expect ‘SOMETHING’ from me!
Now… to figure out WHAT that SOMETHING will be… :)
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